Friday, July 1, 2011

Are you a tacky caterpillar...or a beautiful butterfly?

My heavenly Father has a way of just stopping me in my tracks and teaching
me simple things that are quite profound.
Sometimes He just interrupts my daily routine with an impression or a
thought. At other times He reaches down into the physical realm and touches me
in order to get my attention and to prepare me for a download from His
Kingdom. It truly makes me feel like somebody up there really loves me with no
Lately, His marvelous touch has been descending almost continually,
several times a day...and I feel honored and privileged to be the object of his
attention. As God is my witness, He’s doing it again as I write this. All I
can say right now from the depths of my heart is this: “Father, continue to
flow through us that all of us can be blessed with your glory...”
The Life of the Monarch Butterfly, which is one of God’s strikingly
beautiful creations, is another great parallel to the Christian walk. Before
this attractive little creature sprouted wings and began to was an
ugly caterpillar stumbling on the ground.
But before proceeding, let me just speak on paper what I am feeling in
my spirit: As born-again children of God we are living way below our
priviliges and also our inheritance. And too many of us don’t even realize or
understand our ultimate destiny in the eyes of God. “Religion,” tradition, and
ignorance of the Word have marginalized our concept of our role in the
Kingdom of God. Like the hapless caterpillar, we expect so little out of our
life on this planet, and usually that is all we get.
But now, let’s look at the majestic, and resplendent Monarch Butterfly.
The transformation of the frequently ugly or bizarre caterpillar into an
elegant Monarch Butterfly is truly one of the most extravagant miracles of
our God (it’s called metamorphosis). This small being belongs to the insect
order of Lepidoptera and is migratory. In fact, the Monarch makes annual
migrations over thousands of miles from Texas into Mexico...and then it
returns. During its travels it flies along and shows off the awesome and creative
handiwork of God. It’s demeanor seems to be couched in humility and love for
all that surrounds it (that is also our assignment as born-again
People are in awe of these gentle creatures because of their outer and
inner beauty...and because they expose their GRACE to anyone who will listen
with their eyes and their hearts (that’s us again!).
The Monarch Butterfly wasn’t always incredibly beautiful. It was born a
caterpillar into a world of pain and suffering and it had no choice but to
crawl on the ground, trees, and shrubs in order to find food to stay alive.
It was vulnerable to harsh environments and to predators who found the
caterpillar an easy catch because it moved so slowly (0-60 mph in about a thousand
years). I mean, a trip to Grandma’s could take all summer.
This unattractive caterpillar had at least a dozen feet but that didn’t
help much...and it cost a small fortune each time it went to buy shoes.
Besides all of this, the caterpillar was ugly as sin.
This little guy eventually developed an inferiority complex, but that
was because no one yet had told him of his destiny. The world immediately
around the caterpillar told him he was a loser and the best he could hope for
was a mediocre life and a chance to go to heaven if he was fortunate. But he
would have to work hard for it.
But then one day he felt the touch of God upon him...and his ugly body
slowly began to die. He didn’t understand what was happening but he knew it
was good and he instinctively perceived that his whole life was about to
change. He probably heard a still, small voice inside of him say: “I will now
give to you the life I destined for you to live. And I will teach you to fly
and soar above all your critics and earthly limitations. I do this now
because I created you, I love you and I want only the best for you. will
cost you nothing. It is a gift (GRACE...unmerited favor).”
Does this sound familiar? Only God could have come up with such an
illuminating analogy between the life cycle of the butterfly and the Christian
experience on this earth.
Too many of God’s children are unaware about why God created them and
what His ultimate destiny is for each individual. But the Bible makes it very
Like the caterpillar, we too were born into a fallen and dangerous
world. We, too, were forced to scurry around and secure our own provision,
instead of actively pursuing our calling...always being on the alert for the
ultimate predator, Satan and his forces.
But then one day, the Creator made His Word come alive to us...and we
received salvation, with the option to shed our dependence on the flesh and
submit totally to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To the Monarch Butterfly it
was automatic. To us it was a choice and a decision.
We were born again, and heaven became reality. “Old things were passed
away, and all things became new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
But unlike the Monarch Butterfly, too many born-again believers have
opted to stay on the ground, to do what we have to do...and anxiously wait for
Jesus to return. Again, “religion, tradition, and ignorance of God’s Word
have stunted our spiritual growth by teaching us that serving the Lord is a
boring duty and an obligation, and even sometimes a profession, instead of
a passionate calling and the ultimate fulfillment of a destiny.
Brothers and sisters, it is time that we all come together and complete
the ultimate “metamorphosis” that Jesus designed for our lives. We must
now migrate from functioning only in the natural realm and begin to fly up to
God’s beautiful spiritual realm that is full of love, success and power to
overcome this world and it’s adverse circumstances.
We were created in the image of God. We are certainly not God...but we
have His DNA. We are royalty...Kings and Priests (Revelation 1:6) We are
MONARCHS, just like the butterfly!
We were created to live by revelation, not information (Bill
Winston). Like the Monarch Butterfly, our destiny is to soar in the heavens,
well above our earthly restraints. And we are now supernaturally equipped to
spread our beautiful wings of righteousness and take the Gospel of Jesus
Christ not only to those who do not know Him...but also to all those that do
know Him, but are in bondage to the world of he natural.
The gorgeous Monarch Butterfly has only a maximum life span of about a
year in which to enjoy its life-changing and dazzling gift from God. But the
magnificent child of God can enjoy it forever in eternity.
And we can begin right now...

Eye has not seen nor ear heard...
neither have entered into the heart
of man, the things that God has
prepared for them that love Him.
But God has revealed them unto
us by His Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV

1 comment:

  1. It is the same Holy Spirit giving revelation to us all! I have been a teacher of the Word of God for 29 years and I haven't heard a message on being transformed from a catapillar to a butterfly since the early 1980's. Just two weeks ago the Lord reminded me of it's truth and placed it in a series of sermons I will preach at a Transformed by Grace Women's Encounter to heal brokenhearted women in September 2011, in Houston, Texas. It was so encouraging to go to your website today and see this small but profound article by Robert with such a big truth! God wants to transform us by His Grace from a crawling, ugly, bound creature to a soaring, gentle, beautiful butterfly that rises above the low places we were once bound to. There is no room for a butterfly in a cocoon. Another scientific fact about a butterfly is they were created to receive their beautiful color from cells on their wings that reflect different wave lengths of light. They have no natural beauty of their own. It is beauty received from the hidden colors of light. Like this amazing transformed creature, we will receive our beauty from reflecting God's glory! God's Grace is a transforming power as our minds are renewed by His living Word! Thank you Robert and Linda for Better News ~ the good news of Grace!
    In His Grace, Lana Sanders
