Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Are you an Eagle...or have you hung ‘em up before your time?...

How many times have we said to ourselves, “If only I knew 30 years ago
what I know whole life would have taken a different turn.”
Personally, I can think of many unfruitful (dumb) things that I did in the the many devastating decisions that I made early in my life, even after I
was “born again.”
I have worn out many pairs of shoes in kicking myself over and over
again when I think about it. But even though through the years I have gained
much wisdom through trial and error and some “revelation,” I say to myself,
“I’m too far down the road to put it into good use, anyway. I’ve run out of
As Christians, many of us will say, “At my age I no longer have the
strength nor the stamina to mount yet another frontal attack on “the Devil and
the world, and produce a great harvest of souls. My time is gone and the jig
is up. I’m history. Perhaps it is time to start thinking about how to spend
my “golden years” instead.”
THAT’S HOGWASH. I’m convinced that from Day One my Father in Heaven has
always had a plan to greatly use His spiritually hungry servants at that
time in life when we are most the appointed time when maturity,
steadfastness, and productive understanding of the working of the Kingdom of
God is at its peak. Hey, I’m not talking about recycling...I’m talking about
physical rejuvenation...and it can be ours!
In recent years, I have heard over and over again that in the end times,
the energetic young Christians will be the ones to reach out and bring in
the final great harvest of souls. Amen! Roger that! I believe that young
folks full of God and fire will make a formidable army. But youth alone without
spiritual maturity in the things of God...and unaware of how the Kingdom
operates...will not hold up well against what is already coming against the
CHURCH of Jesus Christ in these latter days.
What I DO believe is that the spiritually mature (and “older”)
members of the body of Christ will be the agents that will produce the great
harvest. But, you ask, how can you even suggest that those who are past their
prime years will be physically able to stand tough in time of tribulation?
My answer? I don’t have a clue. But FatherGod does!
Moses was 120 years old and still healthy, sassy and kickin’ when he was
forced to finally hang ‘em up due to disobedience. He was virtually
physically perfect because he had developed a really tight relationship with God
and drew from HIS strength, vitality, and longevity. He and his Creator had
become ONE!...and we should do the same. God will rub off on you if you get
close enough, often enough.
FatherGod would have us to forget about the “golden years” of decline
and concentrate on His beautiful and powerful GOLDEN EAGLE. Please listen!
There is a tremendous parallel between how God’s Eagle renews his strength and
his life...and how our own youth can be renewed like the Eagle’s (Psalm
103:1). There is a strong message here for all of us who are long in years and
still raring to go, but who believe that we have run out of gas/out of
The Bible references the mighty Eagle 34 times, from Leviticus to
Revelation (trust me, I counted for myself). If the Kingdom of Heaven had an
official mascot, this bird would be second only to the dove of the Holy Spirit.
Throughout the Scriptures, the Eagle is referred to as beautiful, swift,
powerful, unwavering, loyal and compassionate to its family. This bird is
also highly efficient, victorious over its enemies, and preferring to
frequent high places. But as it gets older, the Eagle begins to lose its
magnificence, as time takes its toll. Its feathers become tattered, its sharp beak
becomes dull, and its stamina takes a nose dive. But then, by design, God’s
great miracle begins to happen! Rejuvenation!
It has been documented by Ornithologists and other committed
bird-watchers that in its latter years, God’s DNA within the Eagle “kicks in” and
the exhausted bird will search for a higher refuge on a mountaintop in order
to undergo a most exciting and extraordinary transformation.
Acknowledging its growing limitations, the Eagle begins to pluck its
feathers off systematically, until it is naked, unable to fly and totally
vulnerable. It is then that the bird totally trusts its Creator for supernatural
protection from predators. But that’s not all.
The bird will also yank and pull until its beak falls off. It is now
totally defenseless but it relies on its instinctive faith that He who created
him will see him safely through this metamorphosis. He knows deep inside
that God will never leave him nor forsake him. Sound familiar?
In time, this bird will push out magnificent new feathers, and a new
razor-sharp beak will protrude through his flesh. His strength and stamina will
return supernaturally, and the mighty, magnificent Eagle will once again
take to the wind as he did when he was young.
But here’s the real kicker: even though the bird is now as physically
strong as he ever was...he’s now also full of the wisdom and “savvy” that
only comes from spending countless time in high places, close to His Maker.
This is in addition to gaining priceless experience in the natural realm!
In his new life (“born again”) the Eagle will make very few mistakes
and will become what he’s designed to be: more than a conqueror and virtually
Even as I write this, my spirit is doing somersaults and my skin is
tingling as “revelation” flows. I love to write when it’s not me that’s doing
the writing.
Please listen as I say this: What FatherGod does for the mighty Eagle is
a type and shadow of what He will do for you and I! (and He has promised to
do it) He will give us new life and a thundering second wind of the Holy
Spirit. I just know it! I just feel it!
He did it for Elijah. He did it for Abraham and Sarah. He did it for
Moses. He did it for Joshua and Caleb.
He’s done it for Billy Graham. He did it for Oral Roberts. He’s done it
for Kenneth Copeland. The list is endless.
But the common denominator for all these guys has been an intimate and
totally uncompromising personal relationship with FatherGod. I’m talkin’
about a one-on-one eternal love affair that takes priority over anything and
absolutely everything ( the real stuff).
I heard a guy say the other day that there is a pronounced physical
effect of GRACE on your body, even as you grow older. He also stated that your
physical condition will reflect your spiritual condition. Amen to that! But
you have to believe this miracle and receive it!

A couple of months ago, I had to renew my life insurance for the final
time, and a nurse showed up at my home to do the usual series of tests. I
will not tell you how old I am because you won’t believe me (besides that,
that’s my business).
For some time prior to this, I had several issues with my body health,
including high cholesterol and serious high blood pressure, among other
symptoms of my physical maturity. In the natural, I knew that my insurance
premium at this point in my life would not only jump sky-high, but I would also
receive less coverage. That’s the way this game is played.
But rather, I had already opted to live under the supernatural care of
God some time before this. With my lightening-fast mind I concluded that if
God made me, then He can fix me.
The nurse was a very nice lady as I filled out all the forms and she
opened up her little medical suitcase full of stainless steel gadgets that
would make even Godzilla nervous. She was very efficient and when she had
finished, she looked at me for a minute and then double-checked the forms,
especially my age.
Then she began to do the tests all over again as if to authenticate the
first findings. I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to do the “urine in the
paper cup” thing again because frankly, after you’ve done it once, it’s not
much fun anymore. Finally, she started to pack her gear and said, “Mister
Gonzalez, you’re good to go!” I wasn’t sure what that meant. It could mean:
(1) I was okay; or (2) I was about ready to croak (good to go?).
Three days later I got a call from my Life Insurance Agent, who happens
to be my cousin. He was holding in his hand the final results of the exam as
he exclaimed: “Robert, it normally takes at least 10 days for an evaluation
of these kind of tests to be completed. But your tests were completed in
just 3 days...and the final verdict was that you are in perfect health (and
also, I don’t take any medicines of any kind). Robert, the readouts were
dead-on normal. They couldn’t find anything at all wrong with you. Zero. Nada.”
There was a pause and then he continued: “I have been authorized to offer
you a million dollar life insurance policy at a very reasonable cost.”
Is anything impossible with FatherGod? NOPE. Listen, we aren’t waiting
on Him...He’s waiting on us to simply RECEIVE all that Jesus provided for us
at the Cross. It’s called radical, uncompromised GRACE!
I know from first hand experience that the awesome presence of God the
Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit “quickens” my mortal body. It
happens to me (and certainly to others) over and over again. Late at night
when I’m in prayer (and praise & worship) after a long and exhaustive day, I
can literally feel my flesh come alive. I’m no longer debilitated, wearied
and worn. I feel young again, and I start looking for some devil to “whup
up” on. This stuff is real, folks!
It’s all really quite amazing. In fact, when it’s time to go to bed
after spending time with my FatherGod, I’m so pumped up with Jesus that I have
to stop and watch an old movie in order to slowly come back to earth and
fall asleep.
But it’s important that I make something clear: all of this
“rebuilding” of the human body that the Scripture promises is contingent on one thing:
a super-close, one-on-one life relationship with FatherGod; a total
surrender and commitment to Him as we gravitate to higher places to enter His realm
every single day (it’s easier for me because God and I are both Hispanic).
Jesus did it. If it worked for Him, it’ll work for you and I.
Come to think of it, this applies to every great and wonderful blessing
that the Creator has promised in His wonderful Word. Part-time “born again”
Christianity will get us into Heaven but that’s not enough if we want to
bring Heaven to Earth and live a successful life right here. I just want to be
blessed so that I can bless others bigtime.
Let me finish by saying that I’m one of these people that is convinced
that if we have not yet entered into the “last days,”...we’re about to. My
Father in Heaven is preparing an army of “savvy,” mature warriors that will
ravage the planet and bring in an unprecedented harvest of people into the
And there’s no way I’m going to be left out. I can feel the new
feathers comin’ on as my lips are speaking His mighty Word! With my big brother
Jesus always standing behind me, I can do no wrong! No way.
But in all of this, I have to be careful. The last thing in the world
that I want to do is sound Eagle-tistical.

---Bless the Lord O my soul...who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender
mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is
renewed like the eagle’s. -Psalm 103:1
---Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary...” -Isaiah

If you practice the things of God, your body will eventually begin to
cooperate with you. --John G. Lake

Friday, July 1, 2011

Are you a tacky caterpillar...or a beautiful butterfly?

My heavenly Father has a way of just stopping me in my tracks and teaching
me simple things that are quite profound.
Sometimes He just interrupts my daily routine with an impression or a
thought. At other times He reaches down into the physical realm and touches me
in order to get my attention and to prepare me for a download from His
Kingdom. It truly makes me feel like somebody up there really loves me with no
Lately, His marvelous touch has been descending almost continually,
several times a day...and I feel honored and privileged to be the object of his
attention. As God is my witness, He’s doing it again as I write this. All I
can say right now from the depths of my heart is this: “Father, continue to
flow through us that all of us can be blessed with your glory...”
The Life of the Monarch Butterfly, which is one of God’s strikingly
beautiful creations, is another great parallel to the Christian walk. Before
this attractive little creature sprouted wings and began to was an
ugly caterpillar stumbling on the ground.
But before proceeding, let me just speak on paper what I am feeling in
my spirit: As born-again children of God we are living way below our
priviliges and also our inheritance. And too many of us don’t even realize or
understand our ultimate destiny in the eyes of God. “Religion,” tradition, and
ignorance of the Word have marginalized our concept of our role in the
Kingdom of God. Like the hapless caterpillar, we expect so little out of our
life on this planet, and usually that is all we get.
But now, let’s look at the majestic, and resplendent Monarch Butterfly.
The transformation of the frequently ugly or bizarre caterpillar into an
elegant Monarch Butterfly is truly one of the most extravagant miracles of
our God (it’s called metamorphosis). This small being belongs to the insect
order of Lepidoptera and is migratory. In fact, the Monarch makes annual
migrations over thousands of miles from Texas into Mexico...and then it
returns. During its travels it flies along and shows off the awesome and creative
handiwork of God. It’s demeanor seems to be couched in humility and love for
all that surrounds it (that is also our assignment as born-again
People are in awe of these gentle creatures because of their outer and
inner beauty...and because they expose their GRACE to anyone who will listen
with their eyes and their hearts (that’s us again!).
The Monarch Butterfly wasn’t always incredibly beautiful. It was born a
caterpillar into a world of pain and suffering and it had no choice but to
crawl on the ground, trees, and shrubs in order to find food to stay alive.
It was vulnerable to harsh environments and to predators who found the
caterpillar an easy catch because it moved so slowly (0-60 mph in about a thousand
years). I mean, a trip to Grandma’s could take all summer.
This unattractive caterpillar had at least a dozen feet but that didn’t
help much...and it cost a small fortune each time it went to buy shoes.
Besides all of this, the caterpillar was ugly as sin.
This little guy eventually developed an inferiority complex, but that
was because no one yet had told him of his destiny. The world immediately
around the caterpillar told him he was a loser and the best he could hope for
was a mediocre life and a chance to go to heaven if he was fortunate. But he
would have to work hard for it.
But then one day he felt the touch of God upon him...and his ugly body
slowly began to die. He didn’t understand what was happening but he knew it
was good and he instinctively perceived that his whole life was about to
change. He probably heard a still, small voice inside of him say: “I will now
give to you the life I destined for you to live. And I will teach you to fly
and soar above all your critics and earthly limitations. I do this now
because I created you, I love you and I want only the best for you. will
cost you nothing. It is a gift (GRACE...unmerited favor).”
Does this sound familiar? Only God could have come up with such an
illuminating analogy between the life cycle of the butterfly and the Christian
experience on this earth.
Too many of God’s children are unaware about why God created them and
what His ultimate destiny is for each individual. But the Bible makes it very
Like the caterpillar, we too were born into a fallen and dangerous
world. We, too, were forced to scurry around and secure our own provision,
instead of actively pursuing our calling...always being on the alert for the
ultimate predator, Satan and his forces.
But then one day, the Creator made His Word come alive to us...and we
received salvation, with the option to shed our dependence on the flesh and
submit totally to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To the Monarch Butterfly it
was automatic. To us it was a choice and a decision.
We were born again, and heaven became reality. “Old things were passed
away, and all things became new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
But unlike the Monarch Butterfly, too many born-again believers have
opted to stay on the ground, to do what we have to do...and anxiously wait for
Jesus to return. Again, “religion, tradition, and ignorance of God’s Word
have stunted our spiritual growth by teaching us that serving the Lord is a
boring duty and an obligation, and even sometimes a profession, instead of
a passionate calling and the ultimate fulfillment of a destiny.
Brothers and sisters, it is time that we all come together and complete
the ultimate “metamorphosis” that Jesus designed for our lives. We must
now migrate from functioning only in the natural realm and begin to fly up to
God’s beautiful spiritual realm that is full of love, success and power to
overcome this world and it’s adverse circumstances.
We were created in the image of God. We are certainly not God...but we
have His DNA. We are royalty...Kings and Priests (Revelation 1:6) We are
MONARCHS, just like the butterfly!
We were created to live by revelation, not information (Bill
Winston). Like the Monarch Butterfly, our destiny is to soar in the heavens,
well above our earthly restraints. And we are now supernaturally equipped to
spread our beautiful wings of righteousness and take the Gospel of Jesus
Christ not only to those who do not know Him...but also to all those that do
know Him, but are in bondage to the world of he natural.
The gorgeous Monarch Butterfly has only a maximum life span of about a
year in which to enjoy its life-changing and dazzling gift from God. But the
magnificent child of God can enjoy it forever in eternity.
And we can begin right now...

Eye has not seen nor ear heard...
neither have entered into the heart
of man, the things that God has
prepared for them that love Him.
But God has revealed them unto
us by His Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pluggin’ In to the Power of God

My heavenly Father uses simple but very powerful metaphors and
illustrations to teach me things. Hopefully, He does the same for you.
The latest “illustration” I’ve gotten has to do with electricity:
basically how it works and how it flows in both the natural and the supernatural
realms. The parallels are extraordinary and I will deal with that in just a
few minutes.
But first, I need to share something with you that happened this
morning. It’s the kind of stuff that you don’t expect, but it really boosts your
life. I talk about it with you because that is one of the things I have been
called to do. And there’s nothing more powerful than a fresh and truthful
testimony (from anybody) that exalts God and His love for His kids. Especially
if it’s supernatural.
Listen, the day before Father showed me these truths, it had been tough
for Linda and I. All kinds of stuff was going wrong and frustration on my
part was ruling the day. Other than my family, my most prized possession on
this planet is my time, and I was “wasting” a lot of it putting out fires in
the day’s agenda. This was not my idea of a good time. You know the feeling.
It sucketh.
To top it off on that day, I decided to get some fresh air, so I went
out to my car...only to find that some clown had shot out the rear window of
the vehicle in my driveway during the night. I counted four “bullet holes”
and shattered glass all over the place. Man, I certainly didn’t need this
kind of stuff to add to my day. Bummer.
But thank God that He is teaching me to grow up spiritually and not to
be “circumstance-driven.” I’m learning that regardless of what happens down
here in the natural realm, Father’s plans and objectives for my life are
never affected, and are still intact and functioning bigtime. During all the
“stuff” that was hitting me that day, I was able to rest on the Word and His
never-ending presence. It wasn’t easy. But I’m His son and He’s my
friend...and I know...that I know...that I know that “He will never leave me nor
forsake me” (Hebrews 4:9-11)). He has proven it to me so many times.
At the end of the day, I was physically exhausted, a little down, and I
had lost the “spring in my step.” I went to bed thanking God anyway,
knowing full well that He would take a lousy day and make something great out of
When I woke up in the morning, I layed on my side for a minute...and
I was still downcast (hey, it happens). But I knew it wouldn’t last when I
began speaking the Word, and walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians
5:7)) Because God is my Dad, I have also learned to be up front and highly
personal with Him. So I said (as I often do): “Father, don’t let me fall.”
Almost immediately (in the Spirit), a rush of His presence fell down
upon me and His golden glory was all over me and my pillow and sheets as well.
God poured out His Love on me and there were twelve basketfulls left over.
This happens more and more often, but it still amazes me. Think about
it: the Creator of the universe loves me enough to make a house call on a
Friday morning during rush hour. He will do the same for you because He is
always a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)). You don’t
have to see a cloud of glory to know that God is present, but it sho’ do help.
The entire atmosphere changed in that room, and I began to feel the
movement of the wind in my sails. I was ready to roll again. Darkness cannot
remain when LIGHT begins to shine.
But this is really the best part: For an hour or so afterwards, the Holy
reminded me of spiritual snippets I have learned that are crucial to
my walk. His short sermonette was not audible or anything like that. I just
saw it in my spirit...and it was given to me so that I could share it with
you (I’m a conduit and certainly not any kind of a prophet)..
Things like:
• Don’t focus on doing things for Jesus, but from Jesus.
• Whatever is not submitted (surrendered) to God is open territory to this
world and to the Devil.
• My imperfection is replaced with perfection when the Holy Spirit picks up
the slack and intervenes in my behalf. (I’ll deal with more of this next

Pluggin’ In to the
Power of God
My heavenly Dad will go to any lengths to show us how the kingdom of God that we can pass His LIGHT onto others and bring blessing to
their lives. This particular lesson deals with the interesting parallels
between how electricity is channeled...and how the Gospel is spread...and the
pitfalls that are common to both.
Man did not invent electricity, he discovered it. God’s electrical force
has empowered His kingdom and this planet since Day 1. It began with “Let
there be light
!”...then came the electrocution of the prophets of
Baal...then to the recording of the Ten Commandments (God’s finger was a
laser)...then through the light over the manger in Bethlehem...and then the lightening
and storms after Jesus was crucified.
(1) In the natural realm-- Through my own experience, I have learned how
electric power in a house is spread from the power source (the electric
company) to and through the various electric sockets in the home. Often times,
things go wrong and the flow of power is cut off and everybody is left in the
(2) In the supernatural realm--God is the Source of life and LIGHT to the r
ecipients of His power (that’s us). When things go amiss within us, this
power, too, is cut off and the Gospel message ceases to flow from within us
to others.
Let Me Explain by Example
It was on a Saturday morning that I was getting some work done around
the house. Suddenly, the lights went out in a certain portion of my home. I
determined which “breaker” might have flipped off, and went to flip it back
on...but it was okay. So then I deduced that the breaker was worn out and
needed replacing. I got a new breaker switch and put it on, but still nothing
happened. No power was flowing to my hallway entrance, my garage, the
downstairs bathroom, and a couple of other spots. I spent the next two hours
replacing light bulbs, sockets, etc. in that area,but to no avail. Electric power
was available from the breaker box (the source), but it wasn’t flowing.
I had no clue. So I picked up the phone and called my brother-in-law in
Austin, who is a designer and builder of beautiful homes. I told him about
my situation and immediately he knew exactly what the problem was. He
explained to me that electricity from the breaker box (the source) is channeled by
wires from the breaker to the first power outlet inside the house (the dual
“socket” where you plug in a lamp, television, etc.) But it doesn’t stop
The power from the source is then channeled through wiring from that
outlet to another outlet...and from there to another outlet...etc., until a
specific portion of the home is wired for electrical power.
My brother-in-law then gave me specific instructions:
“Robert, go to the first power outlet that is wired from the source and
plug a lamp in and see if it lights up. I did and it did.
“Okay, Robert, now go the next power outlet that is on the same circuit
as the first one (#2) and plug the lamp into that one and see if it lights
up. I did and it didn’t.
“Robert, we have found your problem. The first outlet (#1) lit up the
lamp when you plugged it in because it was receiving power from the source.
However, it wasn’t passing electricity on to the next power outlet (#2)...and
then to the next power outlet (#3)...and and so on. All the he sockets after
the first one were dead.
The flow of power from the first power outlet to the rest of them was
stopped because there was something wrong inside socket #1, causing a
blockage. Although the outside plastic face plate looked clean and shiny, I decided
to take it off and look inside into the socket box.
What I found was loose wiring that was worn out and not tight with the
power source; I also found rust, cobwebs, roach droppings and dead roaches,
not to mention heavy dust. It was terribly unclean.
No wonder that the light from the source could not be spread to those
other sockets that desperately needed it.
Are you beginning to see where I’m going with all of this?
In comparison, what I heard from the Holy Spirit was short and sweet:
God is our ultimate SOURCE for the power that is needed to turn this world
around through LIGHT. God has opted to operate through people here on the
Earth...but much of the time He has trouble getting through us (the “sockets”)
to reach others, who can then reach others,.who can then reach others that
need God’s love, healing, guidance, and power to overcome life. But Deity has
a difficult time flowing through confusion and uncleanliness. We can change
As born-again Christians we are greatly blessed, highly favored, and
deeply loved, and GRACE has forgiven our sins: past, present and future. But
our responsibility is to walk closely with the Father and cooperate with the
Holy Spirit in order to fine tune our performance here on the Earth. That’s
our part.
• Many people have a shiny exterior, but on the inside, we are a mess.
• There are those of us who are “loosely wired” to the kingdom of God and
have a hit and miss relationship with the Creator, and have minimal contact
with the Lord. Not good.
• There are those who are “rusty” on the Word of God and spend very little
time in meditation, seeking His face. Too often we walk in unbelief and
hardness of heart..
• There are those who are “burned out” because we live in the flesh and
operate under our own steam. Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have should be
surrendered to the love and wisdom of Heaven. Great things will begin to happen when
we do.
• Too many of us look like too much of the unclean world. We have
unknowingly grown comfortable with filth, dead dreams and aspirations, unforgiveness,
unclean lips, and “political correctness.”
• Some of us are dusty on the inside, and our Bibles are dusty on the

Personally, I’m not one who likes to talk about this kind of stuff. I’m
not a preacher. But I have to do and say what I’ve been instructed. And I
have to be very careful in my own steps and my own life in order to become
more and more usable by my Father in Heaven. My Big Brother Jesus has
multitudinous instruction, blessings, and LOVE that he “desperately” wants to get
to His bride, the Church. It’s life and death.
I want His power and electricity to flow effectively through
that I can help to bring LIGHT to others...and be able to receive light from
others as well..

Thursday, April 28, 2011

“Lovin’ His Presence...”

My heavenly Father uses simple but very powerful metaphors and
illustrations to teach me things. I think He does this because I seem to have a “thick
skull”...and I have to listen to concepts at least two or three times in
order to adequately comprehend. Mama used to call me “cabeza de palo” during
the early years of my growth. That’s not a compliment, guys. It means
“wooden head.”
I can’t imagine why she would say such a thing, because in my humble
opinion I have a highly advanced brain, lightening fast understanding, and a
vice-like grip on reality. All Hispanics do (Linda’s gonna crack up laughing
when she reads this...but what does she know, anyhow). C’mon folks, lighten
up. Don’t get “starchy” on me (I heard that at church). I’m just kidding.
It is said that the worst kind of deception is self-deception.
The latest thing that Father is teaching me has to do with electricity:
how it works and how it flows in both the natural and the supernatural
realms. The parallels are enormous and I will try to deal with it in just a few
minutes. I also want to repeat myself on the subject of “inner peace,”
because it is so crucial.
But first, I have to share a marvelous experience I had with Father just
the other day. As always, when I begin to write about the “Close Encounters
of the Best Kind,” something from Heaven falls all over me: a tingling,
all-encompassing warm sensation that is right now wrapping itself around me and
slowly closing in. I suppose it’s an “anointing” of God, but I don’t like
to use “religious” words or expressions because they have been so often
I just know that this experience was given to me so that I can pass it
on to you. I’m learning to be a conduit; a pathway through which Father can
flow to those on this Earth who will listen. He wants so much to immerse us
in the awesome supernatural so that we can get on the wavelength of the
kingdom of God and get results!. He will work this way through everybody,
because He is no respecter of persons.
Before I go on, I am asking right now that the Holy Spirit jump right
off this page and onto you who read this. You have to experience this kind of
miracle to fully understand it, and He can help. It’s difficult to
adequately comprehend the touch of God if we don’t understand His body language and
His ways. Words do not suffice, but I will do my best to describe it.
As I sat down to pray the other day, I sensed that something special was
waiting for me. I was right. His LOVE hit me like a ton of cotton candy and
I was immediately in my Father’s sweet presence (in the Spirit). This was
on a much higher level that I was accustomed to, and the communication
seemed to be more horizontal than vertical.
Unlike the norm, I didn’t have anything much to say this time because I
was overwhelmed. I just wanted to see, listen and absorb. I was paralyzed
in place but I kept asking for more. I couldn’t help myself.
Then suddenly, there it was again: the “golden cloud of God’s manifest
presence” that I have seen before on occasion. With my eyes closed, I could
plainly see it on the screen of my mind. The cloud is an incredibly rich
color of gold and it was billowing (swelling in and out) in front of my eyes.
And for a brief period of time, I was actually in the cloud, and the glee
inside of me almost blew me away (literally!). It was a glee-mail from God.
I was trying to understand all of this, but all I could hear myself
saying was “thank you...thank you...thank you, Lord.” I became oblivious to
everything around me as I reached out for more of this treasure.
‘Ya know, It wasn’t that long ago that I would laugh in disbelief when
I heard accounts of “glory clouds” that appeared at old Pentecostal “camp
meetings” and “revivals” in the past (I try to be real careful about this
kind of stuff). But whether that really happened or not, I don’t know. One
thing is for sure: I’ve quit laughing...
To continue...I remained motionless as His LOVE tightened it’s grip on me
and everything else around me became of miniscule importance. I remember
saying to myself, “This has got to be what Heaven is like.” I believe I was
I have been petitioning God for years to be transported to Heaven for a
short visit, like Jesse Duplantis, Renny McLean and others...just to check
it out. And in a way, now that had finally come to pass. I didn’t see anybody
or anything, but I know I had experienced the atmosphere of Heaven. Small
wonder that those who have actually been there never want to come back.
A couple of hours after I finished praying, I got up and attempted to
get back down to business as usual. It wasn’t easy because I sensed that
something extraordinary had just happened. I knew inside that much of the “I”
had been extracted from my “Identity,” and for a brief period I had merged
with something infinitely larger than myself. I loved it!
I believe something of this nature is what happened to Enoch, but on a
much higher and more intense scale. The Bible says that Enoch walked closely
with God...and then one day, he was no more...and God took him, implying that
Enoch had disappeared from the face of the Earth. That’s probably correct,
but I believe it goes a lot further than that. Enoch got so close to God
that he lost “his self identity” in the Creator and he simply couldn’t find
his way back. (Genesis 5:24)
It is not possible to explain fully all that transpired during that time
that I was in
prayer. I could try to tell you so much more...but I don’t know how. How do
you describe having brushed against the garment of Divinity? Maybe we
should ask the woman with the issue of blood... (Matthew 9:20)

Our Inner Peace is Key
To Receiving God’s
Manifold Grace
We have got to begin to understand how the kingdom of God operates in
order to fully benefit from what God has already granted to us. In line with
the Word and the finished work at the Cross, God’s many promises and
blessings began to flow through us the minute we asked for them. But “God cannot get
to us what cannot flow through us.”
The Bible is teeming with declaration, explanation, and instruction
concerning inner peace and how crucial it is for us to walk in it and live by
it. Because we live in this fallen world, we have a natural tendency to lean
toward strife and anxiety.
• One of the last things Jesus said to us before his ascension to Heaven
was John 14:27:
“Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto
you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you.”
The Savior knew how critical it is that we understand the role of internal
peace in our success.
• Jesus immediately followed up with:
“Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let
it be afraid.”
God’s grace (undeserved favor) for healing, prosperity, wisdom and
understanding, intercession, spiritual warfare, raising the dead, etc. cannot
flow through inner turmoil, anxiety, unforgiveness, fear, and confusion. A
troubled heart is a huge obstruction to the transition of God’s blessings from
the spiritual realm within us to the natural physical realm outside of us.
The heart is the “innermost part of man” (in the soulish realm) that appears
to be the transfer point...the “outlet” from the inside of us to the
outside world. This is accomplished through the words we speak from our heart.
Proverbs 4:23 says that we should guard what’s in our heart, for out of it
flow the issues of life. Proverbs 23:7 states that as a man thinks in his
heart, so is he.
The clear message here is that our heart should be “without spot or
wrinkle” so that the power of God can flow through it without being “blocked”
or compromised.
• Can we ourselves keep our heart clean? Not according to Philippians 6:4:
“Be anxious for nothing,
but through prayer and
supplication. let your
requests be known to
God. And the peace of
God, which passes all
understanding, shall
guard your heart and
your mind through
Christ Jesus.”
It’s very plain: the peace of God will guard our hearts. How do we
achieve this peace? We don’t. Jesus took care of that at the Cross:
“...the chastisement of
our peace was
upon Him...”
Peace is a gift that’s already been paid for. Like our salvation, let’s
just receive that marvelous inner peace and then hook up with the power of
the Holy Spirit
to clean up all the nasty stuff inside us that needs to go.
• 15 of the books in the New Testament begin with the phrase “Let grace
and peace be multiplied to you...” If that doesn’t emphasize the utter
importance of grace and peace in our daily walk, nothing does.
I heard someone say that “Peace keeps what grace gives.” That’s
powerful! Jesus was always in total control of Himself and all His circumstances
because He always bathed himself with His Father’s peace. Very often He was
uptight with the Pharisees, the money changers, hypocrites who opposed His
ministry, those who abused children, and even His apostles. But it was a
righteous anger and the Savior never lost control.
There’s nothing wrong with vehement righteous anger. Properly channeled,
this power gives us boldness and strength to get things done! I remember
so well that powerful radio station KSBJ-FM was established in Houston as the
net result of the body of Christ’s anger over the possibility of losing
contemporary Christian music in our city. Linda and I and multiple thousands of
brothers and sisters stood up in protest to the Marriott Corporation, First
Media Corporation, and the Federal Communications Commission. Thousands of
petitions flooded Washington, D.C. and the sale of our only contemporary
Christian music radio station was stopped in its tracks. But that’s a long
story for another time (I’m going to finally publish the book which I wrote
years ago on “The Miracle of KSBJ”) .
Most of today’s Church in America doesn’t get angry about anything
anymore. “Political Correctness” has crippled Christ’s Church and the Evil One
has shifted this country onto a very dangerous path. Again, that is a
subject for another time.

I promise to deal with “Electricity in the body of Christ” next issue.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Expand Your Circumference!"

"Expand Your Circumference!"

For some time now, my heavenly Father has been relentless in teaching me
how to become a more efficient “conduit” (pathway) so that He can more easily
flow through me to reach down and bless His children on the Earth.
God gave us dominion over the planet, to subdue it and cause it to
multiply, but His power must flow through us to get it done. That’s exactly what
He did with Jesus, who flatly stated that He could do nothing without the
Father’s power flowing through Him. Our Savior was indeed a “conduit” ...a
pipeline by which His Father could touch the Earth. We are no different today
because Jesus is our example to follow.
I looked up the word “conduit” in the dictionary and it essentially
says: conduit - a round tube or pipe for conveying electrical wires (from one
place to another). Conduit comes in different sizes (diameters) from 1 inch
on up.
In line with this, I’ve been hearing in my spirit the word
“circumference” a lot. And this theme has become more persistent and amplified.
I know what the word “circumference” means but I looked it up anyway:
circumference -- the line around a circle. The larger the circumference, the
larger the size of the round conduit...and the more of God’s electrifying
power can flow to the needy.
This went on for a while and I sensed an urgency. Finally, a single word
evolved into a sentence within me: “Son, I want you to expand your
circumference!” With my lightning-fast Hispanic mind I deduced that perhaps God
wanted me to expand my sphere of influence (circle of friends, business
people)...or maybe He wanted me to expand my circle of distribution for BETTER
NEWS...or perhaps He wanted me to expand my knowledge of the Word...or maybe He
wanted me to expand my relationship with Him.
In the final analysis, I missed completely what He was saying. Finally,
inside of me I heard this: “I want you to expand the circumference (size) of
the conduit that you are. It is difficult for Me to try to stuff 12 feet of
blessing through a 1 inch conduit.”
I got the picture in a hurry!
This may seem like a small revelation at best, but in fact it is huge. I
believe that Heaven is “severely backed up” with answers to prayer,
promises, blessings, and instruction that are destined to reach us. But that
never gets here because there are so few of His children that He can
effectively flow through to make these things manifest.
I’m one of these guys that believes that we’re not waiting on
God...He’s waiting on us. He wants to do so much more through us than we could poss
ibly think or imagine...but we hinder God because we don’t yet understand how
the Kingdom of God operates. I like how Bill Winston puts it: “Jesus has
legally restored us to our Father God and given us His authority, the
authority of His name...However, we have to know how the kingdom of God operates in
order to access what he has given us.”
One of the things that we can’t seem to grasp is that His grace can only
flow through us when we are in inner peace. I’ll talk about that in just a
On A Lighter Note...
Those of you who have known me for a while understand that I am
committed to convincing the world that the Kingdom of God in Heaven is composed of
mostly Hispanics (except for Lucifer, Judas Iscariot and Mary’s sister
Martha). This entire concept may sound ludicrous and perhaps even border on
blasphemy to most...but hey, I’m sold. I’ll never quit because if I ever do, you
won’t have anything to laugh about on this increasingly insane planet (count
your blessings, folks).
I’ve reached most of my conclusions on this subject only after extensive
empirical research, and on occasion I will update those who are interested
in my progress. This is one of those times.
To begin with, the bedrock of my position has always been founded on
Genesis 1:27:“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God
created He him...”
How much more plain can it be? If God created me in His own image and
my skin is brown, and I speak Tex-Mex Spanish and I love enchiladas...then
God must be the same as me. There’s no other way you can slice this pie, guys.
To attempt to repudiate this assertion is an exercise in utter futility and
involves arrogance and self deception of the ugliest kind.
But let’s get down to the latest discovery that advances my latest
theory. Recently, a cache of ancient Bible manuscripts was discovered in South
Texas, ten miles west of Laredo in a cave behind Luby’s Cafeteria. The
historic find has been labeled “The Rio Grande Scrolls,” and the information
gained is not only exciting but invaluable.
We’ve all heard the joke about the existence of automobiles in Biblical
times, right? This silly theory is based on Acts 1:14, which states that at
one time “all the disciples were in one Accord.” Well, since Honda makes
a car named “Accord,” it naturally followed that there were indeed cars in
Israel during Jesus’ ministry. Incredibly absurd, right? Wrong.
After careful study of “The Rio Grande Scrolls,” it was discovered that
there really was an automobile factory in Egypt at precisely that point in
time. It was located adjacent to the pyramids and close to the right rear
leg of the Sphinx (stay with me guys, I’m going somewhere with all of this).
But here’s the real crux of the discovery: not only did this automobile
factory produce cars while Jesus walked the also mass-produced a
small pick-up truck called the Accord 150. This fits my hypothesis to a “T”
I stubbornly maintain that there was no way Jesus’ disciples could
follow the Savior on foot for 30 miles a day, virtually every day. Jesus was able
to do it because He was God and possessed supernatural energy. But His
disciples, on the other hand, were just guys.
Please get this: the only way they could keep up with Jesus was in a
pick-up truck: the Accord 150!
The obvious question from most of those who are reading this would be:
“How in the world could they fit 12 grown-ups in a small pickup?” Well,
there’s only one response that truly answers that question: the Disciples were of
Mexican descent! Not only were they adept at making everybody fit in a
pickup, but also in the truck were a couple of old fishing nets, assorted tax
receipts that belonged to Matthew, and 12 basketfulls of bread and fish.
All of the above further supports my theory that Hispanics played a
pivotal role in the history and success of Christianity in the earliest of times
(with all due respect to my Jewish brothers and sisters).
P.S. Hey, lighten up folks. I’m only kiddin’. If you believe any of this
stuff, I’ve got some property on the moon that I’d love to sell you...

Our Inner Peace is Key To Receiving God’s Manifold Grace

We have got to begin to understand how the kingdom of God operates in
order to fully benefit from what God has already granted to us. In line with
the Word and the finished work at the Cross, God’s many promises and
blessings began to flow through us the minute we asked for them. But “God cannot get
to us what cannot flow through us.”
I feel a caution in my spirit not to get real specific about a lot of
this because there is not space or time to elaborate. But I will touch the
most obvious things first, and then perhaps pursue this subject in detail in
the next issue of BETTER NEWS.
The Bible is teeming with declaration, explanation, and instruction
concerning inner peace and how crucial it is for us to walk in it and live by
it. Because we live in this fallen world, we have a natural proclivity to lean
toward strife and anxiety.
• One of the last things Jesus said to us before his ascension to Heaven
was John 14:27:
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you.”

The Savior knew how critical it is that we understand the role of internal
peace in our success.
• Jesus immediately followed up with:“Let not your heart be troubled, neither let
it be afraid.”
God’s grace (undeserved favor) for healing, prosperity, wisdom and
understanding, intercession, spiritual warfare, raising the dead, etc. cannot
flow through inner turmoil, unforgiveness, fear, and confusion. A troubled
heart is a huge obstruction to the transition of God’s blessings from the
spiritual realm within us to the natural physical realm outside of us. The heart
is the “innermost part of man” (in the soulish realm) that appears to be
the transfer point...the “outlet” from the inside of us to the outside world.
Proverbs 4:23 says that we should guard what’s in our heart, for out of it
flow the issues of life. Proverbs 23:7 states that as a man thinks in his
heart, so is he.
The clear message here is that our heart should be “without spot or
wrinkle” so that the power of God can flow through it without being “blocked”
or compromised.
• Can we ourselves keep our heart clean? Not according to Philippians 6:4:
“Be anxious for nothing, but through prayer and supplication. let your
requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all
understanding, shall guard your heart and your mind through
Christ Jesus.”

It’s very plain: the peace of God will guard our hearts. How do we
achieve this peace? We don’t. Jesus took care of that at the Cross:
“...the chastisement of
our peace was
upon Him...”
Peace is a gift that’s already paid for. Like our salvation, let’s just
receive that marvelous inner peace and then hook up with the power of the
Holy Spirit
to clean up all the nasty stuff inside us that needs to go.
• 15 of the books in the New Testament begin with the phrase “Let grace
and peace be multiplied to you...” If that doesn’t emphasize the utter
importance of grace and peace in our daily walk, nothing does.
I heard someone say that “Peace keeps what grace gives.” That’s
powerful! Jesus was always in total control of himself and His circumstances
because He bathed himself with His Father’s peace always.
I also know from experience that the Devil cannot and will not
manipulate a peaceful believer. That’s why he tries so hard to feed garbage into our
minds. And he’s like a cockroach: he always keeps coming back. But that’s
“It is written, ‘Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions (and cockroaches) and over all the power
of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.’” Luke 10:19

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in
good health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John:2

This is the same scripture, paraphrased: Beloved, no way will you always
and be in good health unless you first receive cleansing in your heart.
Begin to
walk today in inner peace, and all these other things will be added unto

Thursday, January 27, 2011

“I’m really gonna give you a peace of my mind!”

Please note: This is another one of those days when the Holy Spirit
takes over in the middle of things and changes the direction of this
writing. Hey, it’s okay by me...

“I’m really gonna give you a peace of my mind!”

Notice I said “peace” and not “piece” in the bold headline above.
That’s what I want to talk about. You don’t have to fight for peace (that’s an
oxymoron). Peace was a supernatural gift that was given to us by our Savior
immediately prior to His return to Heaven. Inner peace is a powerful key to
receiving from God. Like salvation, all we have to do is receive it by faith
in order to reap its benefits. It’s not about us having to get our act
together before we can receive the flow of kingdom living. No way.
Jesse Duplantis puts it well: “A great price was paid to give you that
peace, so never take it lightly. Jesus poured out great drops of blood and
sweat at Gethsemane for your peace.”
But too often, many of us leave our gifts from Heaven under the
Christmas tree after the season is over. Why? Because we think they are too good to
be true. We either think that we don’t merit it, or we are convinced that we
have to “work” for it in order to accept the gift. C’mon, that’s Old
Under the Old Testament, you first had to achieve before you could
receive. But under the New Covenant, you first receive and then achieve by the
power of the Holy Spirit. It’s a heck of a lot easier that way. And it works
every time.
Let’s just suppose that next Christmas morning my wife Linda hands me a
box that contains a priceless solid gold Rolex watch, guaranteed to last
forever. It’s wrapping looks like dazzling white linen, and the ribbon and bow
look like a shining golden sash. But as soon as I open it, I am overwhelmed
and quickly hand it back to her saying, “I don’t deserve this! I’ve done
nothing good enough to earn it..”
Linda then hands it right back to me, saying: “I’m giving you this gift
because I love you and want you to have only the very best that I can give
you. Please accept it.”
I pause, and after a short while I tell her, “Okay, but only if:
(1) I fast and pray for 60 days, drinking only water and taking vitamins in
order to stay alive;
(2) I renounce any connection with people who are not holy;
(3) I give all my money and faded jeans to the poor;
(4) I memorize the 10 commandments in Spanish, forwards and backwards.”
Linda is surprised and disappointed. She already knows I’m a little
strange to begin with, but she would probably drop a little tear anyway because
I didn’t accept her sincere offering with no strings attached.
The above is the mentality of too many people who don’t
fully understand the uncompromised GRACE (unmerited favor) that Christ
provided for us when He shed His blood. All the countless benefits of the Cross
are already ours (according to the Word) because the price has been paid in
full. There is nothing more sad to me than to watch my Brothers and Sisters
as they beg God for what they need and desire. We need only to receive by
faith, and even that has already been given to us (Romans 12:3).
We must learn to be who we really are: sons and daughters of the most
high God...sitting with Jesus at Father God’s right hand (Ephesians 2:4-6).
Too many of us are ultra-busy “doing, doing, doing” in order to curry God’s
favor. But we need to be spending more time “being, being, being” who we
already are: offsprings of the Almighty and joint heirs of the kingdom of God.
My personal goal is to operate from the perspective of having already won
the war (through Jesus), as opposed to having to fight more battles in order
to get what I need.
Also, I’m a huge adherent of Psalm 19:7 which says that the Word of the
makes the simpleton to be wise. Hey, I’ll claim that one for myself. By
the way, I am fluent in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Praying in the
Look, when we received salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord
and Savior, we were born again and grafted into the Holy Family. God is the
farmer who plants the vineyard, Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches
that grow because we are attached to the vine. Let’s quit struggling to become
a vital part of God’s kingdom and system. We already are because the
heavenly “sap” that flows from the Father through the vine (Jesus) must, by
design, flow to the branches (that’s you and me!).
The key is not to restrict that blessed flow by walking around in
unforgiveness, fear and unbelief, unrighteous anger, ignorance of the Word of
, self condemnation, plus other “blockers” that we ourselves construct. If
we will simply surrender (by faith) all this nasty stuff to the Holy Spirit,
we can revitalize the flow of the supernatural that comes down from the
Father, through His Son, and then to us.
Incidentally, we don’t conjure up faith...we simply become ONE with
Jesus and believe what the Word of God teaches. Like the Apostle Paul, we should
live every day on this earth by the faith of Christ (Galatians 2:20). But
as part of our faith, our hearts must be saturated with the inner PEACE that
it takes to accommodate and sustain the flow of the GRACE of God
(Philippians 4:6-11). This is so crucial, and I will talk more about that shortly.

But before I go on, I’m being nudged to stop, change the subject, and
share something that happened just the other night that really startled me. It
impacted me bigtime.
I was “really down” at the end of the day because I had not spent more
time praying and communing with Father. I really missed Him. Meetings,
deadlines, and a heavy workload will absolutely rob you of that spring in your
step and the wind in your sails, and also that heavenly “sap” that flows
from the vine and keeps us glued together with eternity.
Usually, when I’m “down” I just get over it, but I couldn’t this time.
Even a “Mexicano” from the barrio knows deep inside that placing the
Creator on the back burner of the day’s agenda is a mucho bad idea. Bad move
(Matthew 6:33).
As I sat down that evening and prepared to pray, Father God quickly
kicked things off by saying, “Son, let’s go to “higher ground.” He had been
waiting patiently for me all day. He always does. But He didn’t give me a
hard time...He never does. And that’s because He loves me and He misses me also
(and you, too). However, He didn’t mince any words, either.
It was a still voice, and it was a small voice, but it reverberated ever
so loudly inside of me: “Robert, you must never lose vital and intimate
contact with Me for any time or any reason. It doesn’t matter what the
circumstances are and it doesn’t matter how you happen to feel. If I am going to do
powerful works through my people, you must never lose my enveloping
He continued: “The many promises and the blessings granted to you by the
Blood at the Cross will not manifest on the Earth without power from
Heaven to back them up. And My power cannot flow in it’s fullness unless you
become ONE with Me and you learn to pray in the Spirit unceasingly.”
He was reminding me that there is always a spiritual war going on but it
is not apparent in the physical realm. The Evil One and his cronies never
quit and neither should we. The Devil is a defeated foe but we must be
vigilant in enforcing our victory by putting on the armor of God (Eph.6:10),
especially tenacious, never-ending prayer in the Spirit.
Now that’s the kind of conversation that will take the slack out of your
jeans in a hurry!

(At this point, you are probably asking, “C’mon Robert, does God really
call you by name?” My response is Heck yeah! I am His child and so are you.
Don’t you call your child by his or her name? Would you say to your son, “To
Whom It May Concern, would you please take out the trash today? “ I think

Well, God’s lesson was just beginning to unfold. Right out of the blue,
Father reminded me of the time when Joshua led the Israelites to battle
against the Amalakites at Rephidim, and Moses went to the top of a hill to see
the fight (Exodus 17:9-13). As long as Moses raised his staff with both hands
high in the air and became ONE with God, the Israelites began to win! But
after a long time, Moses’ arms became weary and started to drop. When this
happened, the Israelites began to lose the battle. But when he raised his
hands high again, the Israelites prevailed. Eventually, his assistants Aaron
and Hur helped Moses to keep his hands high, and by that evening Israel was
totally victorious against great odds..
Our heavenly Father doesn’t waste words. He reminded me of all this
because it’s a type and a shadow of what we are faced with today. There’s a
huge lesson for us to learn from Moses and Joshua’s success:
(1) Moses had to go to “higher ground” (the top of a hill) in order to get
“closer to God” to be able to get direction and correction. We need to do
the same.
(2) Moses had to keep his hands raised “without ceasing” in order to
elevate the “rod of God” and demonstrate that God was with Israel. Today, the
Bible instructs us to “raise holy hands” and pray always (Luke 21:36). But
the “rod” we raise up today is the risen Christ, and the hands we raise are
“spiritual hands” that praise Jesus because he has already won all our
battles at the Cross. We don’t fight to win, we just fight to retain what Jesus
already won!Even in the natural, we raise our hands to invite God’s glory (His
manifested presence).
(3) Moses’ first priority was his face-to-face relationship with God, and
he was relentless in obeying God’s orders. He knew that the enemies they
faced would never quit. It’s the same way now. Today, God is commanding us to
pray at all times and in every season, and to “labor” to enter His presence
and His “rest.” (Hebrews 4:9-11). Christianity is not a part-time endeavor.
(4) Moses’ aids, Aaron and Hur, were right there to “prop him up” when he
could no longer stand on his own. Today, this is a snapshot of what Jesus
expects from the body of Christ: to always be there for the Brothers and
in time of need. We should be quick to help before we are so quick to
We have to meld with our Creator. Become part of Him. During this time,
the Holy Spirit will mature us and develop our character so we can overcome
the challenges and temptations that will surely come in the ministry He has
called us to carry out. Indeed, He has given us great authority on the earth
and in the spiritual realm.
Be He won’t let us use it by ourselves until we are ready.

P.S. God willing, I will continue the discussion on “inner peace” in the
next issue.