Monday, August 23, 2010

“God The Holy Spirit.”- The Person

I have so much to say, but so little time and space in which to do it.
First of all, I must say that my life has been turned upside down in the
past few weeks concerning “God The Holy Spirit.” I’ve been instructed to
just drop everything I’m doing and get to know the third Person of the
Trinity intimately and mucho pronto.
Linda can attest to the fact that I’ve now done countless Word
searches...and have gotten my hands on book after book on the subject of The Holy
It is absolutely amazing (and inexcusable) that I know so little about
this beautiful Person. That’s right, the Holy Spirit is a Person, not a wisp
of spiritual air and not a ghost (the KJV of the Bible has mistranslated
“Spirit” into “Ghost”). I’ve researched the NKJV, NIV, AMP, NLT, and other
Bible versions and they correctly use “Holy Spirit.”
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me just say that seemingly,
everybody and his brother (or sister) today is teaching or preaching in depth on
the Holy Spirit, and it’s about time! That’s a move of God if I ever saw
one. But I will deal with this shortly.

Listen, we can and should learn as much as we can about how the kingdom
of God works, but without a vibrant and effective one-on-one relationship
with our Creator, we will not be able to receive what He wants to give to us.
My goal is to do all the things that Jesus did (and even greater things),
but it “ain’t gonna happen” until my Father can trust me with the awesome,
potent power that it takes to manifest signs, wonders and miracles. He will
not release great supernatural power to shallow people....any more than an
earthly father would give his 10-year-old a loaded shotgun for his birthday.
He’s waiting on us to grow up.
The only way God can overcome this issue is to have complete and
immediate contact with His offspring consistently, so that He may direct our steps
and keep us out of trouble. This is the only way. There is no “Plan B.”
I’m learning more and more about how to quickly enter the throneroom of
Grace and receive from God when my spiritual sponge (the deepest part of me)
has become dry. At that point, I am with “I AM” and I become one with God
in order to soak up more rivers of living water and replenish the sweet
moisture of His presence (“spiritual osmosis”). In short, “I gotta fill up the
Jesus had to do the same thing after every long and exhausting day of
His ministry to the world. Sometimes when I stay away from Father for too
long, my “sponge” begins to dry up, become brittle, and even smells bad. If I
don’t keep it wet and overflowing and powerful, I won’t make it through the
I love what Matthew 28-30 says in the Message version:
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away
with me and recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk
with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of
When praying, I’ve learned to go with the flow of the unforced rhythms
of Grace, and I experience the sweet momentum of bountiful love and
unmerited favor. It’s a place where I relinquish control of myself and allow the
Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me (I go to auto-pilot). As I leave the earth
and into God’s realm, I find myself without care and surrounded by the
finished work of the Cross, and it’s all mine to receive. It’s a beautiful
thing and it’s a totally free gift.
I don’t labor, toil, strive or struggle to achieve the presence of God
and the benefits of kingdom life. It’s all about the gift of righteousness
and the abundance of Grace. This has got to be what Heaven is Adam
and Eve lived before they blew it. No wonder that 100% of those who are
allowed a quick trip to heaven and back...don’t ever want to come back! (it’s
a no-brainer)
The Law is all about men. Grace is all about God. (Joseph Prince) I am
learning to fight from a position of victory, instead of fighting and trying
to get victory! It’s all done because I’ve already won. I’m ready to pick
up His cross and follow Him...but it’s a Cross of power, deliverance and
success. Jesus’ yoke is easy, and His burden is light!
My ultimate destiny (and yours, too) is far greater than my current

Who is the Holy Spirit?
“The American Church is lacking in one necessary element for changing
the world--knowing the Person of God that is already living here. The subject
of personally meeting the Holy Spirit is generally never taught in that tradition makes it almost impossible for many church members to
desire a relationship with the Holy Spirit...And this is how God is usually
comprehended, of living only in Heaven...Many of the teachers do not know the
Holy Spirit personally, so the subject is hardly addressed...He is often
overlooked, omitted, and forgotten...Jesus paid the ultimate price for every
believer to live with God here...The fact that God the Holy Spirit lives here
with us and is willing to step into our realm should be a primary focus for
the Church.” (Gary Carroll)
Unknowingly, many of us have treated the Holy Spirit as a stepchild.
Myself, I just didn’t know any better. “My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge (Hosea 4:6).” A superficial relationship with the Holy Spirit will
hinder us from receiving from God.
The fact of the matter is that Jesus taught the disciples explicitly
that they would know the Holy Spirit who lived with them, and would soon also
live in them.
Listen, in the last couple or three weeks I have placed virtually
everything else on “hold” in order to focus on the Holy Spirit: who He is, what
He does, and why I’ve waited so long to get to know Him and walk with Him.
Marching orders for this new direction in my life did not come from me.
Let me just say that there’s no way I’m going to address this subject
adequately in just the little space that I have left in this writing (no way,
Jose). But I’ll do my best to hit the high points...and then deal with it
as I learn more.
Please understand that like most of my brothers and sisters in Christ,
my comprehension of the Holy Spirit and His purposes to this point has been
superficial at best (nobody ever really taught me extensively on this
subject). So I speak partly from direct revelation, but also revelation that has
been imparted to others, who I am reading about now.
It is also crucial that you understand that Father will give revelation
and direction to anyone who is starving for more of Him. God is no respecter
of persons!
First things first. The Holy Spirit is a Person, like God the Father and
God the Son...and He is equal in importance (He’s God!). The Godhead is
separated by function, but always works in unison. The Holy Spirit is the
original “doer” of the Word. He is the one in the Trinity that gets the job
This has been such a revelation to me and is so critical to my
understanding! Up to now, how could I expect increased manifestation of God’s
promises and blessings...when I am so unfamiliar with the function of the Holy
Spirit who possesses the assignment and the power to produce manifestation into
this natural world of time?
In the very short period of time that I’ve had to truly behold the Holy
Spirit, I have seen tremendous results. He’s been all over me almost all the
time. Even right now, the weight and heat of His presence is overwhelming,
and I am now asking God the Holy Spirit to leap right off this page and into
those who read this. Do you feel it yet?
Revelation is always intended to be shared with the body of Christ, and
not "copyrighted". How do you copyright illumination and a flash of
Knowing this Person is like meeting a new friend who not only owns the
world, but also created the UNIVERSE as well. And His power is in us!
The Holy Spirit is a Person (John 16:13) who has no physical body but
does have all the other attributes:
He is the power of the Trinity (Romans 8:11); He has an intellect (1
Corinthians 2:10); He has emotions (Romans 15:30); He has a will (1 Corinthians
12:4); He can speak (Galatians 4:6); He can be insulted (Hebrews 10:29); He
can be blasphemed (Matthew 12:31); He can be quenched (1 Thessalonians 5:19;
He can be resisted (Acts 7:51); He is omnipresent (Psalms 139:7); He is
omniscient (Isaiah 40:13); He is omnipotent (Ephesians 1:18); He is eternal
(Hebrews 9:14); He is GOD...
I’m learning a lot from others, but the Holy Spirit has become my
primary instructor. One of the first things He did was to point out Joel 2:28-29
to me: “...I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
Lord knows this scripture has been over-used and applied to so many
things so often, that it has almost become redundant and suspect. But I believe
that this scripture applies to the end times only, because it also refers to
accompanying signs and wonders in the heavens and the earth...pillars of
smoke, fire, the sun turning into darkness, and the moon into blood...all part
of Revelation 6, 8, and 9.
I firmly believe that where it says “I will pour out My Spirit,” that
it means “I will give you a new and dramatic understanding of who the Holy
Spirit really is in this time of great need of spiritual truth.”
The time for manifestation of Joel 2 is now, as we begin to enter the
front end of the end times. Thank you Holy Spirit!
I believe that the early Church was extremely successful and impactful
because the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was still fresh on the Church of Jesus
Christ. Satan freaked out bigtime as he saw the Spirit of God convert 3,000
people in one day...and then many more soon after. At that rate, the devil’s
kingdom would be eradicated sooner than later. It was panic time!
So Satan had to devise a plan 2,000 years ago where time and “religion”
would begin to play down the importance of the Holy Spirit...and it worked!
Today, too often the Holy Spirit has mostly been relegated to lip service
and is of minimal significance in the believer’s life. This was one of
Satan’s most heinous and successful plots in the history of the fallen world. But
that’s about to change!
The Holy Spirit has been there all the time, but as I get to know more
and more about Him I perceive that He is gentle, kind, understanding and
unobtrusive...and wants to be asked into our lives. He is the perfect friend
who walks along beside me to help (a “paraclete”). But He also wields a big
stick against those who would hinder the work of God. Evil is no match.
He will never leave me nor forsake me...He will teach me the deep things
of Jesus...He will show me things to come. And He lives inside of me.
I’ll never know how I made it this far without intimacy with Him. But
hey, it’s a new day!

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