Friday, May 7, 2010

I gotta git’ off this planet

I gotta git’ off this planet...(Adventures With My Father--part 4)

Everything on this earth seems to be going haywire. What is “bad” is good; what is up is down; what is wrong is right; and what is a lie is often portrayed as truth. This world is nuts.
In this country, our political and judicial systems have been hijacked and our beautiful nation is being dismantled piece by piece as we watch...and
while the populous is engrossed in sports “playoffs” of some kind, electronic gadgetry, and asinine reality shows. America is waking up, but much too slowly. Corruption is rampant, bold, and brash...and America’s CONSTITUTION is being trashed. Only Jesus can help us now.
But in America, Christianity has almost become innocuous and irrelevant. According to George Barna Research, about 45% of professing Christians do not accept the deity of Christ nor the reality of the Devil. The traditional denominations are losing members faster than their pastor can change into
his faded blue-jeans for the Sunday morning service.
On the other hand, too many of the “faith” churches are teaching irresponsible doctrine while selling $100 prayer shawls, assorted religious trinkets, and guarantying multi-fold returns on “love offerings.” Some of these guys on the tube are out-and-out “flim-flammers” who are fleecing the Flock and going to the bank.
But not to worry. Jesus Christ today is rebuilding His remnant Church th an ultra high degree of urgency. The true born-again body of Christ is reviving and resurging quickly as we get excited and are growing up spiritually. We are learning to enter and operate effectively in the kingdom of God.
We are discovering keys to the kingdom that are freely available to us in order to become conformed to the image of Christ and to do the things that He did on the earth (John 14:12).
We should be on a fast track to mastering the kingdom of God so that we can merge with it and cooperate with it, in order to produce consistent and tangible results.
One of these keys that Father is teaching me ever so quickly is how to get closer to Him, enter His presence, and ultimately to enter His “rest.” When I am resting in Him, He will be working in my behalf, going before me and preparing the way. But when I am “working” in order to make things happen, He stops and rests and allows me the exercise of my own free will. Father will not share His glory when it comes to blessing his kids. “Sharing His glory” doesn’t just mean that someone takes credit for what God does. It also means that sometimes we inadvertently try to “help Him out” lessing equation. That will not fly.
Either we’re going to do it, or He’s going to do it...and neither the twain shall meet (Galatians 3).
Everything that God is aching to give us has already been paid for at the Cross. All we have to do is enter the rhythm of abundant Grace and receive what is already ours. C’mon, guys. When are we going to grab hold of this?

Stepping Out of Time When I say, “I gotta git’ off this planet,” I am not implying that I’ve had enough of the world. I’m saying that I must learn more about how to exit the realm of time in order to enter the sacred realm of “I Am”...where Father is, and where there is no time. A “New York minute” lasts forever in Heaven. Time is an earth thing, and God established time on the fourth day of creation. But when “Man” fell, time began to work against us.
“Miracles are in a higher realm, without the influence of time, while our circumstances are the product of time.” (Dr. Renny McClean) When I step out of time and make the jump to light speed in order to enter His presence, Father is always there waiting for me as I (in spirit)
enter boldly into the throne room of GRACE (Hebrews 4:16). It is here where Dad
and I can revel together One-in-one as I receive His love, His blessings, and His direction for my life.
I always sense that He’s elated to see me, as is Jesus at His right hand. And I quickly understand that nothing can enter in with me that is not of Him. Ain’t gonna happen.
The peace in this timeless place cannot be described and understood, except by those of you who have also been there (in the spirit). Nothing else matters in His majestic presence.
Shortly before ascending to Heaven and back to His Father’s side, Jesus exclaimed to us, “My peace I leave with you...” What He was saying was that His departure would usher into the earth the ability of man to enter the realm of “I Am” at will, under the New Covenant of GRACE.
I have to be very careful at this point that I don’t begin to sound
goofy or difficult to comprehend. But please understand that Father has asked me to relay this information correctly and I’m giving it my best shot.
Stepping in and out of time is not a new phenomenum. Jesus did it often. When He raised the loaves and the fish toward Heaven for God to bless, Jesus stepped out of time and entered the realm of “I Am”...and His Father touched the food and fed the 5,000. He will do the same for you. As you enter His presence He will touch you and expand and multiply everything about you can feed the multitudes with the Gospel. Often, when Jesus left the crowds and His disciples to be alone and to of time to be face-to-face with His Father. He didn’t lose sleep; He gained supernatural strength and power to keep on
going in the direction of the Cross. He needed God’s assurance and direction (it’s the same for us).
In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11), but also in His
presence is an increased perception of His wisdom.
Spending more time with God is good. But spending more “out of time” with God is infinitely better.
Not only Jesus, but many of the major players in the Scripture stepped in and out of time as they escaped the momentum of this world.
Moses did it at Mt. Sinai when he received the 10 Commandments. This was type and a shadow of what we would do under the New Covenant (when I received the revelation of this last night, it blew me away and my flesh is still tingling). Right now my heart is pumping double time.
Moses set the example for us way back when. In order to hear distinctly from God, he had to step out of time and enter the realm of the Creator on high (at the top of a mountain). He stayed as long as it took to absorb what God had to give him, so that in turn he would bring it down and give it to the people.
Is that a lesson for us, or what! Father ripped the curtain to the Holy of Holies as an open invitation for us to commune directly with Him. By the way, the official website for Father/God in Heaven is as follows: www.PleaseComeAndSeeMe.jes
The Apostle Paul also stepped out of time to be with “I Am” regularly, receiving multiple revelations in preparation for penning most of the New Testament. The Disciple John did it on the Isle of Patmos when he “left the planet” to receive the book of Revelation. It goes on and on.
Even Enoch stepped out of time regularly to hook up with His heavenly Father. The last time he left the planet, he had a one-way ticket. Such a deal...A Graphic Illustration
As I learn more and more about being up-close and personal with my Creator, He writes things in my spirit that He wants me to pass on to whomever will listen. Sometimes He just “says it” so rapidly that I have to reach for a pencil and pad or a napkin or something, so that I can write it down (no way I’m going to allow myself to forget any of this). I’ll say it again. Father will also work through you...or anyone else that is famished for more of Him. Our hunger for God is a magnet for His manifestation. Although God is Hispanic, He is absolutely no “respecter of
persons” and He’s always looking for someone to bless. The Bible very clearly talks about His Chi-kan-o glory.
I was praying the other night when Father began to write in my spirit concerning “The train of time.” It was not audible. He was attempting to show me why so many people miss His voice so often and miss out on so much He wants to give. I am reluctant to quote Father at length ((I’m no prophet), so I will just paraphrase His message:
“My earthly children have not learned to seek My face apart from the ravenous rhythm of the world. And although they may pray regularly, the communication between us is sparse, incomplete, and oftentimes unfruitful. It is hit and miss.
“It is like a person who is praying and reaching out to Me...but he is on a rapid train that is speeding by My Throne. He has his window open, He is sincere, and willing to find Me. But by the end of his lengthy prayer, the train has moved on and he is unable to hear my response. I say goodbye to him and my heart is broken. “In my realm, I am not subject to time. ‘I Am.’ If one seeks to commune with me, he must escape from the bondage of the train of time, step into my presence, and become one with Me. I created man for no less than this. And there are no shortcuts...” Adam Had It Right at First
Before he fell, Adam’s first priority was always his fellowship with God. The vast majority of his time belonged to his Creator, and then he would devote an hour or two a day to tending the garden of Eden when he could squeeze it in (he also had to keep his wife in line because the woman had a thing about apples).
But when Adam fell, everything went topsy-turvy and got all turned around. He then had to devote most of his time to survival, and spending a minimal amount of time with God. That’s where we still are today, even though Jesus took care of all that at the Cross.
In 1 John 3:8 it clearly says that “The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen and dissolve) the works the devil has done.” But we still haven’t gotten hold of that. We’re still
putting the world first and God second. I believe that most of my brothers and sisters spend very little time in the realm of “I Am” a tremendous loss.
Consider This The Bible speaks clearly about how we can “renew our youth” on this earth (Isaiah 40:31). Have you ever wondered how? I believe that when we step out of time our physical growth process stops, while time keeps going on. And
the longer we stay in the realm of “I Am”...the older time gets, and the younger we become.
Think about it. Moses spent boo-koo’s of time in God’s presence, and at 120 he was strong and his eyesight was perfect. So it was with Joshua (110 years old), Caleb (at eighty he was still a successful warrior) many
others. The more time these guys spent with God in the timeless realm of His presence, the longer their lives were extended.
I also believe that when the Word says, “Be still and know that I am

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